About the Company

Personnel and Qualifications


Oral Histories





“Cultural Resource Investigations for Armstrong Energy, LLC’s Horseshoe Ice Pads and Ice Road, Colville River, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Armstrong Energy, LLC, Anchorage, for submission to North Slope Borough, Barrow, and Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

“Cultural Resource Investigations for Armstrong Energy, LLC’s Pikka Ice Pads and
Ice Road, Colville River, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Armstrong Energy, LLC, Anchorage, for submission to North Slope Borough, Barrow, and Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Survey of Armstrong Energy, LLC’s Revised DS3 Drill Pad and Road,           Nanushuk Project, Colville River, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Armstrong Energy, LLC., Anchorage, for submission to North Slope Borough, Barrow, and Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage, as an appendix to a report by HDR Inc., Anchorage.

“Cultural Resource Background Information and Site Probability Analysis for the Red
3D Seismic Exploration Program, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under
contract to Geokinetics, Inc., Houston, for submission to Alaska Office of History and
Archaeology, Anchorage.


“Literature Review and Evaluation of Cultural Resource Probability for Installation of
Subsea Anode Sleds at Monopod and Christy Lee Platforms, Cook Inlet, Alaska.”
Document prepared under contract to Hilcorp Alaska, LLC., Anchorage, for
submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Investigation for Ahtna Inc.’s Tolsona Drill Pad and Mile 175 Access
Road, Glenn Highway, Alaska.”  Report prepared by Charles M. Mobley & Associates, Anchorage, for Restoration Science & Engineering, LLC, Anchorage, and Ahtna Inc., Glennallen, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.


“Archaeological Investigation for Bluecrest Energy’s Cosmo Pad Expansion, Stariski
Creek, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Bluecrest
Energy, Inc., Anchorage, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

“Literature Review and Evaluation of Cultural Resource Probability for Installation of
Subsea Anode Sleds at Grayling and Steelhead Platforms, Cook Inlet, Alaska.”
Document prepared under contract to Hilcorp Alaska, LLC., Anchorage, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Survey for the Revised Shadura #2 Drill Pad and Access Road, Kenai           Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared by Charles M. Mobley & Associates, Anchorage, for Nordaq Energy, Inc. Anchorage, for submission to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Anchorage

“Evaluation of Cultural Resource Probability and Potential Effects for Global Geo-
Services’ Tolsona 2D Seismic Investigation, South-central Alaska.”  Report prepared for SLR Consulting, Anchorage, Alaska.


“Archaeological Survey for Buccaneer Alaska Operations, LLC’s Kenai Loop Pad #1 to Kenai Loop Pad 2 Pipeline, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group, Anchorage, and Buccaneer Alaska Operations, LLC., Houston, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Testing at Old Ninilchik, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, for Water Main Installation.”  Report submitted to Michael L. Foster & Associates, Eagle River, for submission to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Village Safe Water Program, Anchorage.

Study Plans and Study Reports for Alaska Energy Authority’s Susitna-Watana Dam Project (serving as Program Lead for Cultural and Paleontological Resources), under contract to URS Corporation, Inc., Anchorage, for the Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage.

Letter report of November 14 to Alaska Railroad Corporation Department of Avalanche Control regarding USFS concern for Section 106 compliance and potential effects of proposed Pederson Creek avalanche control facilities on the site of Kern.

“Cultural Resource Survey for Repsol’s 2012/2013 3D Seismic Investigations, Colville River, North Slope, Alaska” (with Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Repsol Service Company, The Woodlands, Texas, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage, and the North Slope Borough, Barrow.

“Cultural Resource Survey for Repsol’s 2012/2013 Material Source Investigations, Colville River, North Slope, Alaska” (with Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Repsol Service Company, The Woodlands, Texas, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage, and the North Slope Borough, Barrow.

“Cultural Resource Survey for Repsol’s 2012/2013 Ice Roads and Ice Pads, Colville River, North Slope, Alaska” (with Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Repsol Service Company, The Woodlands, Texas, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage, and the North Slope Borough, Barrow.


“Cultural Resource Survey for Repsol’s 2011/2012 Ice Roads and Drill Pads, Lower Colville River, North Slope, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group, Anchorage, for Repsol Service Company, The Woodlands, Texas.

“Archaeological Survey for Apache Alaska Corporation’s 2011 Cook Inlet 3D Seismic Project, Alaska” (with Charles Ottar Mobley; 2 vols.).  Report prepared under contract to SAExploration, Inc., Anchorage, and Apache Alaska Corporation, Houston, for submission to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kenai.

“Archaeological Reconnaissance for Buccaneer Alaska’s West Eagle Drill Pad, West End Road, Homer, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Buccaneer Alaska, Inc., Houston, Texas, for submission to the Kenai Peninsula Borough, Kenai.

“Cultural Resource Protection Plan for the Kenai 3D Seismic Program, Swanson River, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report submitted to Nordaq Energy, Inc., Kenai, Alaska, for submission to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Soldotna, Alaska.

“Archaeological Impacts of the Buccaneer Kenai 3D Seismic Project, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska” (by Charles Ottar Mobley and Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Buccaneer Alaska, Inc., Houston, Texas, for submission to the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Testing for the New Kodiak Library, Kodiak, Alaska” (by Charles Ottar Mobley and Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to RISE Alaska, Inc., Anchorage, for submission to the City of Kodiak, Kodiak, Alaska.

“Archaeological Survey for the Takotna Gold Creek and Tatalina Bridge Replacements, Central Alaska” (by Charles Ottar Mobley and Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Investigation of the Tiger Eye Central Well Pad and Road, West Foreland, Upper Cook Inlet, Alaska” (by Charles Ottar Mobley and Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Nordaq Energy, Inc., Kenai, Alaska, for submission to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

“Archaeological Survey for Buccaneer Alaska’s West Eagle 3D Seismic Project, East End Road, Homer, Alaska” (by Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Buccaneer Alaska, LLC., Houston, for submission to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology.


"Klawock Water Sewer & Water Upgrades, Archaeological Testing and Monitoring, Klawock, Alaska" (by Charles Ottar Mobley and Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Survey for Buccaneer Alaska’s Kenai Loop #2 Well and Access Road, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group, Anchorage, for submission to Buccaneer Alaska Operating, LLC, Houston.

“Archaeological Survey for the Shadura Well #1 Access Road, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska” (by Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Nordaq Energy, Inc., Anchorage, for submission to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Kenai, Alaska.


"Archaeological Survey of Two Power Lines in the Swanson River Gas Field, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to Weston Solutions, Albuquerque, and Chevron Corporation, Anchorage, for submission to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Management, Anchorage.

"Section 106 Information for the Seldovia Bay Ferry Dock and Pier, Seldovia, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to Michael L. Foster & Associates, Eagle River, for the Seldovia Village Tribe, Seldovia.

"Cultural Resource Inventory for the Snake River Bridge Replacement, Nome, Alaska" (with Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to PDC Inc. Engineers, Fairbanks, for the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Archaeological Survey of the North Fork Anchor River Natural Gas Pipeline, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska" (by Douglas Reger with Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to McLane Consultants, Kenai, for submission to the Alaska Historic Preservation Officer, Anchorage.

"Archaeological Monitoring of the 2010 St. Paul Sewer Main Installation, Pribilof Islands, Alaska." (by Charles Ottar Mobley and Charles M. Mobley) Report prepared for Polarconsult, Anchorage.

"Archaeological Survey for Buccaneer Alaska Operating, LLC's, North Sterling Wells 1, 2, 3A, and 3B, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska." Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group, Anchorage.


"Background Information for the Fire Island Wind Power Project's realignment south of Anchorage International Airport", letter submitted to Brian F. Kovol, URS Alaska/TNH, Anchorage.

"Archaeological Survey for the Flat Island Road, Nanwalek, Alaska" (by Charles Ottar Mobley with Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Seabright Survey + Design, Homer, for Nanwalek Design and Development Group, LLC, Anchorage.

"Archaeological Survey of the Kotzebue Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements Kotzebue, Alaska" (by Charles Ottar Mobley with Charles M. Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to USKH, Inc., Fairbanks, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Archaeological Survey for Shadura Well #1 and Ice Road, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska" (by Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared for Nordaq Energy, Inc. Anchorage.

"Chinese Tombstone Inventory at Avalon Springs, Lake County, California."  Report prepared for Avalon Springs, LLC, Middletown, California.

"2009 Archaeological Investigations at the Kake Cannery, Kupreanof Island, Southeast Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to PND Engineers, Juneau, for the Organized Village of Kake, Kake, Alaska.

"Cultural Resource Information for the Nome Airport Master Plan."  Report prepared under contract to PDC Inc. Engineers, Fairbanks for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Archaeological Survey of the Nome-Council Road, Mile Posts 62-74, Seward Peninsula, Alaska" (with Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to ABR, Inc., Fairbanks, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Archaeological Monitoring Plan for the 2009 St. Paul Sewer Upgrade Project, St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska."  Report submitted to Mike Dahl, City of St. Paul, Alaska, under contract to Polarconsult Alaska, Inc., Anchorage.


“Historic Architecture Inventory of St. Paul and St. George Villages, Pribilof Islands, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, Washington.

“Archaeological Monitoring of Water System Improvements in Kotzebue, Alaska, 2008” (by Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to City of Kotzebue, Kotzebue, Alaska. 

“Archaeological Excavation of the Twitchell-Anderson Cabin (IDT-269), Takotna, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to USKH, Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Anchorage. 

“Archaeological Monitoring for Sewer and Water Improvements, Seldovia, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to CRW Engineering, Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Village Safe Water, Anchorage.


“Talkeetna Cell Site Form 620 & Attachments 1-12.”  Report prepared under contract to Cellular One Dobson Communications, Anchorage, for submission to the Federal Com-munications Commission.

“Noatak Airport Relocation Archaeological Survey, Noatak, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to USKH Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

“Historic Architecture Inventory of Howard Hot Springs, Lake County, California.”  Report prepared under contract to Avalon Springs, LLC, Middletown, California, for submission to Lake County in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.

 “Archaeological Survey for the Avalon Springs Development, Howard Hot Springs, Lake County, California.”  Report prepared under contract to Avalon Springs, LLC, Middletown, California, for submission to Lake County in Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act.

 “Summary of Archaeological Testing, 701 Lincoln Street, Sitka, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Nancy Yaw Davis, Sitka, Alaska.

“Max Italio Drive Upgrade – Cultural Resource Investigations, Yakutat, Alaska” (with Charles Ottar Mobley).  Report prepared under contract to Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Juneau, Alaska.

 “Archaeological Survey of the North Ninilchik Seismic Project, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to CGGVeritas, Inc., for Marathon Oil Company, Anchorage.

 “Archaeological Survey of the Gweek River Road, Akiachak, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to ASCG, Inc., Anchorage, for the Akiachak Native Community, Akiachak.

 “Archaeological Survey of the Cosmopolitan Pipeline, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., Eagle River, for Pioneer Natural Resources Alaska, Inc., Anchorage.


“Oral History and Archival Research for the Noatak Airport Relocation, Noatak, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to USKH, Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

 “Determinations of Effect and Monitoring Plan for Cultural Resources, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Environmental Restoration Program, St. George and St. Paul Islands, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, Washington.

“Atka Water and Sewer Improvements: Archaeological Survey, Atka Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to HDR Alaska, Inc., for the City of Alaska and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Village Safe Water Program, Anchorage.

“Ninilchik Water and Sewer Improvements Archaeological Survey, Ninilchik, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Michael L. Foster & Associates, Eagle River, for the Ninilchik Village Townsite Association and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Village Safe Water Program, Anchorage.

 “Matsu Prison Site Selection Alaska AHRS Sites in the Vicinity of Prison Sites 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, and 16.”  Report prepared under contract to Tryck Nyman Hayes, Inc., Anchorage, for the Matanuska Susitna Borough, Palmer.

“Archaeological Testing at KEN-429 for the Slikok Creek Fish Habitat and Angler Access Project, Soldotna, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Moore’s Landscaping, LLC, Kenai, for the Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.


"Cultural Resource Reconnaissance of a Proposed Cordova Airport Gravel Source, Cordova, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to USKH, Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Cultural Resource Survey for Two Proposed Unalaska Powerhouse Sites, Amaknak
Island, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to the City of Unalaska, Alaska.

"Atka Village Hydroelectric Project, Atka, Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: 2005
Archaeological Survey & Monitoring (Interim Report)."  Report prepared under contract to CRW Engineering, Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage.

"Archaeological Survey for an Airport Materials Source, Holy Cross, Alaska."  Report
prepared under contract to Michael Baker Jr., Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Archaeological Survey for Airport Improvements, Northway, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to USKH, Inc.., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Cultural Resource Investigations for the Chalkyitsik Airport Improvements, Chalkyitsik, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to DOWL Engineers, LLC, Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Cultural Resource Investigations for the Fire Island Wind Power and Transmission Line Project, Cook Inlet, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to URS Corporation, Anchorage, for Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage.

"Archaeological Testing for Airport Materials Drilling Investigation, Nulato, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to DOWL Engineers, LLC., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

"Archaeological Survey for Airport Improvements, Ruby, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to DOWL Engineers, LLC, Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.

 “Archaeological Survey for a Gravel Pit proposed by Forest Oil Corporation on the Joseph C. Mosquito Allotment A0047826, USS 4520, West Foreland, Cook Inlet, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group, Anchorage, for Forest Oil Corporation, Anchorage.

"Archaeological Survey for Airport Improvements, False Pass, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to Michael Baker Jr., Inc., Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Fairbanks.


"Archaeological Survey for Marathon Oil Company's East Swanson River Road, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to Marathon Oil Company, Anchorage, for U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Anchorage.

"Aniak Airport Master Plan – Cultural Resource Reconnaissance, Aniak, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to DOWL Engineers, Anchorage, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Juneau, Alaska.

"2003 Alaska Native Consultation for the Kensington Gold Project, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to Tetra Tech, Inc., Denver, for Coeur Alaska, Inc., Juneau, for submission to USDA Forest Service Tongass National Forest, Juneau. 

"Searching for Nikishka III – An Archaeological Survey of Chevron/Texaco's former Nikiski Refinery, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to URS Corporation, Anchorage, for Chevron/Texaco Production Company, Anchorage, for  submission to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Anchorage.

"Chignik's Norquest Cannery – A Cultural Resource Inventory & Evaluation, Chignik, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to Polarconsult Alaska, Inc., and Norquest Seafoods, Inc., Seattle, for submission to the Federal Energy Regulatory Agency, Washington, D.C. 

"Archaeological Monitoring of Soil Contaminant Testing Near the Former Unocal Tank Farm, Sitka Native Village, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to GeoEngineers, Inc., Anchorage, for Unocal Alaska, Anchorage, for submission to the Sitka Tribe of Alaska and the Alaska State Historic Preservation Officer. 

"Archaeological Survey of the Kasilof Lateral Pipeline, Cohoe Loop Road, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to Marathon Oil Company, Anchorage. 

"Cultural Resource Information for Chugach Electric Fire Island Wind and Transmission Line Feasibility Study."  Report prepared under contract to URS Corporation, Anchorage, for Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage.  

"Mitigation Plan…" and "Research Design for Two Mitigation Options: Archaeological Data Study and Archaeological Monitoring During Construction, for the Kensington Gold Project, Coeur Alaska, Juneau."   Reports prepared under contract to Coeur Alaska, Inc., Juneau.


“Sawmill Creek Road Upgrade, Sitka, Baranof Island, Alaska: Cultural Resource Investigations.”  Report prepared under contract to USKH, Inc., Juneau, for Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Juneau, Alaska.

"Narrative to Accompany: National Historic Landmark Nomination – Kiska World War II Battlefield, Kiska Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska."  Report prepared under contract to National Park Service, Alaska Region, Anchorage.

"Atka Village Hydroelectric Project, Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Archaeological Inventory."  Report prepared under contract to CRW Engineering, Anchorage, for Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage, Alaska.

"Chapter 3.17 – Cultural Resources, and Chapter 4.17 – Cultural Resources," in Kensington Gold Project Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.  Report prepared under contract to Tetra Tech, Inc., Lakewood, Colorado, for Coeur Alaska, Inc., for submission to USDA Forest Service, Tongass National Forest, Juneau.

"Archaeological Investigations for the Kenai-Kachemak Gas Pipeline, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska," (with Douglas Reger, Alan Boraas, Susan Bender, and J. David McMahan).  Report prepared under contract to Kenai-Kachemak Pipeline Company, LLC., for submission to the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, Anchorage.


“Archaeological Survey for Marathon Oil Company’s Abalone #1 Pad, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.  Report prepared under contract to Marathon Oil Company, Houston, Texas.

“Archaeological Survey for Marathon Oil Company’s Ninilchik State #1 Drill Pad, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Marathon Oil Company, Houston, Texas.

“Summary of Cultural Resource Information...in the Vicinity of Two Routes for the Matsu Borough Rail Corridor Study.”  Report prepared under contract to Tryck Nyman Hayes, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska.

“Archaeological Survey for Bristol Bay Housing Authority’s Proposed Two Residences at Ugashik Village, Alaska Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Bristol Bay Housing Authority, Dillingham, Alaska.

“Yatuk Creek Block Archaeological Survey, Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Alaska Division of Forestry, Ketchikan, Alaska.


“Archaeological Monitoring of Military Debris Removal from Gambell, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Oil Spill Consultants, Inc., Anchorage, for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fairbanks.

“Three Historic Mines, Ketchikan, Alaska: A Cultural Resource Evaluation.”  Report prepared under contract to Dames & Moore/URS, Anchorage, for the U.S. Forest Service, Ketchikan.

“Archaeological Survey for Alaska Railroad Corporation’s Avalanche Program Upgrade, Turnagain Arm - Seward, Alaska; Kern Creek and Mile 43 Stations.”  Report prepared under contract to Alaska Railroad Corporation, Anchorage.


“Archaeological Survey for the Wolf Lake Hydroelectric Project, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Alaska Power & Telephone, Port Townsend, for the U.S. Forest Service, Craig, Alaska.

“Archaeological Survey for Marathon Oil Company’s Grassim Oskolkoff #1 Drill Pad, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Marathon Oil Company, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Reconnaissance of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation’s Endeavour  Prospect, Kavik River, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Survey of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation’s Moquawkie and Nephaline Prospects, Cook Inlet, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group for Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Anchorage.

“Archaeological Reconnaissance for Aurora Gas LLC’s Nicolai Creek Unit, Wells #7 and #8, Cook Inlet, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Northern Consulting Group for Aurora Gas LLC, Anchorage.

“Cultural Resource Investigations for the Proposed Sitka Fire Station, Baranof Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Minch-Ritter-Voelker Architects, Juneau, for the City and Borough of Sitka.


“Archaeological Monitoring of the Seal Skin Plant Stabilization, St. George Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to St. George Tanaq Corporation, for NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle.

“Cultural Resource Inventory and Evaluation of the Hood Bay Cannery, Admiralty Island, Alaska: Jimmie A. George, Sr. Allotment AA - 6580.”  Report prepared under contract to Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Anchorage.

“The Ship Island Site: Tree-Ring Dating the Last Battle Between the Tlingit and Tsimshian.”  Report to the Alaska Humanities Forum under Grant 36-96.

“Archaeological Excavation for the New Kiksadi Totem Pole, Sitka National Historical Park, Baranof Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to National Park Service, Sitka.


“Historical Overview and Architectural Inventory of Fort Greely, Delta Junction, Alaska:Draft #3.”  Report prepared under contract to Tetra Tech, Inc., San Francisco, for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile, Alabama.


“Additional Archaeological Survey for the Cabin Creek Water Project, Mitkof Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to the City of Petersburg, Alaska.

“Archaeological Survey of the Lena Point Rock Quarry, Juneau, Alaska.”  Report pre-pared under contract to Dames & Moore, Anchorage, for NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service, Juneau.

“Archaeological Investigations at Auke Cape, Juneau, Alaska” (with Robert C. Betts). Report prepared under contract to Livingston Slone, Inc., Anchorage, for NOAA/ National Marine Fisheries Service, Juneau.

“Archaeological Survey for the Ninilchik Dome Drill Pads, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.” Report prepared under contract to Frontier Petroleum Corporation, Syracuse, New York.


“Cultural Resource Investigations at Kiska, Little Kiska, and Semisopochnoi, Aleutian Islands, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Dames & Moore, Inc., Anchorage, for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, Anchorage.

“An Archaeological Survey for the Togiak River Lodge, Bristol Bay, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Togiak River Lodge, Togiak, Alaska, for Bureau of Indian Affairs, Anchorage, Alaska.

“Cultural Resource Investigations at Auke Bay, Juneau, Alaska, for National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.”  Report prepared under the direction of Livingston Slone, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska, for National Marine Fisheries Service/NOAA, Juneau, Alaska.

“Archaeological Survey for the Buckland School, Buckland, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Bezek Durst Seiser, Anchorage, for the Northwest Arctic Borough School District, Kotzebue, Alaska.


“Cultural Resource Survey of the South Lindenberg Peninsula Timber Sale, Kupreanof Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to EA Engineering, Inc., Redmond, Washington, for USDA Forest Service, Tongass National Forest, Stikine Area, Petersburg, Alaska.

“A Building History of the Kodiak Naval Air Station, Kodiak Island, Alaska; for the U.S. Coast Guard’s Support Station Kodiak.”  Report (draft) prepared under contract to The Austin Company, Renton, Washington, for the U.S. Coast Guard, Alameda,

“An Archaeological and Architectural Evaluation of U.S. Coast Guard Base Ketchikan, Alaska.”  Report (draft) prepared under contract to Dames & Moore, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska, for the U.S. Coast Guard, Alameda, California.

“Cultural Resource Survey for Marathon Oil Company’s Corea Creek Federal #1 Drilling Pad and Access Road, Clam Gulch, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Marathon Oil Company, Anchorage, Alaska.


“A Cultural Resource Management Plan for Admiralty Island National Monument.” Report prepared under contract to Admiralty Island National Monument, Juneau; USDA Forest Service, Tongass National Forest, Chatham Area, Sitka.

“Cultural Resource Survey of the Cabin Creek Water Project, Mitkof Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to the City of Petersburg, Petersburg, Alaska.

“Culturally Modified Trees at Bartlett Cove, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska,” (with Michael Lewis).  Report prepared under contract to National Park Service Alaska District, Anchorage.

“Historic Architecture Survey of the Waterfront, Seward, Alaska, for the Proposed Institute of Marine Science Facility.”  Report prepared under contract to Dames & Moore, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska, for U.S. Department of the Interior, Anchorage, Alaska.


“Documenting the Civilian Conservation Corps Canoe Route, Admiralty Island National Monument, Tongass National Forest, Alaska.”  Multiple Property Nomination to the National Register of Historic Places, prepared under contract to Admiralty Island National Monument, Juneau; USDA Forest Service, Tongass National Forest, Chatham Area, Sitka.

The Klawock Oceanside Packing Company Cannery, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska.” Report prepared under contract to Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Juneau.

“The St. George Seal Skin Plant, St. George Island, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to Alpha Engineering Group, Inc., Bothell, Washington, for National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Juneau.

“An Archaeological Survey of Morris Cove, Unalaska Island.”  Report prepared under contract to Offshore Systems, Inc., Kirkland, Washington.

“Cultural Resource Survey of the Clitheroe Center Utility Corridor, Anchorage, Alaska.”  Report prepared under contract to ENSTAR Natural Gas Company, Anchorage.


“An Archaeological Reconnaissance at Indian Point near Auke Bay, Juneau, Alaska.” Report prepared under contract to Bibb & Associates, Kansas City, for National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Juneau.